Issue 10 - Tiny House Magazine

Issue 10

Digital PDF Magazine


  1. Micro-Homesteading in Washington with a $10K MicroHome
    When she moved into her 7x12 foot home back in 2004, Dee got rid of not just a $1,000/month mortgage, but most of her stuff.
  2. Dreaming the Dramatic: The Tiny Houses of Able Abel
    I often do little simplified sketches of house shapes. It is fun to play around with lines. The Fortune Cookie was one of these about two inches high on a random page in my notebook.
  3. 10 Things to Do When Your Project Takes Longer than Expected
    I decided to compile a list of helpful advice for people who find themselves faced with this situation. Though they were written based on the experience of building a Tiny House, they can apply to almost any kind of creative project.
  4. Owning Less, Intentionality, and Living Your Best Life Possible
    At the time, I was just looking for a little relief. I was weary of living paycheck-to-paycheck. I was weary of spending so much money on myself knowing there were others that needed it more.
  5. The Tiny Project
    It has taken a ton of research, patience and tiring work to complete each detail of my house, but I would certainly do it all again if I was starting over today.