Issue 22 - Tiny House Magazine

Issue 22

Tiny House Magazine Issue 22

Digital PDF Magazine


  1. Portable Solar
    Sometimes fixed solar panels and arrays can be prohibitive to the life you actually want to live.
  2. Stealth
    Camper/Van conversions aren't just for the A-Team anymore. Now you can build one too.
  3. Rhizome
    One of the newest projects out there is one a 21-year old college student with big dreams and small ways of achieving them.
  4. A Metropolitan Love Affair
    An author talks about his love affair with the city that is made up of cozy, intimate spaces.
  5. Reduce. Reuse. Remodel
    I am big on remodeling. When I remodel or help others redesign their living spaces, I work with the environment in mind.